How To Create Facebook Advert | Bamisepeter's Blog How To Create Facebook Advert - Bamisepeter's Blog How To Create Facebook Advert | Bamisepeter's Blog

How To Create Facebook Advert

Congratulations for creating your facebook and Instagram page. Now is time to create a promotion for your product and services to be pushed to people's face.

I will advice you download "Business Suite" from your device app store for simplicity. 
With Business Suite, you can do everything at a go, that is, post and run advert on one app to show on facebook and Instagram at the same time. 

You get to see your promotion insight and everything. 

Now, let me walk you through creating your promotion. 

First question you should ask is the reason for the post promotion. Is it for people to call or visit a particular link or to just engage by liking, commenting and sharing the post. Or do you even want to promote the page for more followership.

After you have answered, then you can proceed with promotion. 

Go to the post you want to promote, you will see "Boost Post". Once you click on it you will be taken to this section where you choose the goal of the promotion. 
The goals losted are self explanatory, you are left to decide on what you want.

When I want to sell a product, I use the either 'Get more messages' or 'Get more calls' options. 

I use 'get more engagement' when I write on relationships and the likes and I need reactions which will lead to shares as that is the aim, for the post to go viral.

If you have a survey, or a questionnaire kind of promotion, it is advisable you generate a form or it's equivalent and choose the'Get more Leads' option. 

What you need to know is that you will be charged when the action you requested for is taken by the viewer. That is, once viewer clicks 'message now' action button, you will be charged even if at the end the customer fails to message or even message and didn't buy the prpduct amd use your service. It is left to you to ensure the action button counts. 

Next up is to choose platforms your promotion will be displayed. 

Ensure you tick the advantage creative, it is just facebook's little way of offering assistance by showing it in different styles when likely to get you good result. 

You should also click the app you want messages to come into, ensure you respond to the messages almost immediately as there are many advertisers like you bidding for same spot, once you fail to respond early, the viewer will get several other adverts of same product/service. 

You also have to choose your precise audience. Advantage Audience is good, however, you should set your audience by age, sex, interest so as to be precise, this is just to manage the budget. Use any of the available options or custom that will allow you edit. 

It is important to note that your business determines the twicking of the audience. At times you can put no interest just for the app to show the promotion to as many viewers as possible. Think about your business and the kimd of audience that can afford it, then chose befitting input. 

Next is to choose placement, that is, those platforms you want your promotion to be shown. You can decide to use just 1, depending on where you feel your viewers are most likely are or all t the same time.

Budget for the promotion is very essential, as it is what fuels the promotion, whatever you set is what will determine when your promotion stops. 

Once you set budget, it automatically gives you estimated reach to help in your decision making.

You are free to schedule when it should start and end. In fact, you can turn it off when it is not giving you desired result just to twick and try other options through making changes to the interest, demographics and the likes.

The Payment method, just as you can see, ad account allows you to select a profile and add money for the ad. 

Let's click the 'Add Fund'
input the amount, then use the naira payment.
The above should be filled properly for easy payment and you will be redirected once payment is confirmed.

Once you are redirected, you can go ahead and 'Boost Post Now'. You will wait while your promotion is reviewed and approved.

It is important to know that you need to monitor your promotion as it is ongoing so as to make edit if the previous settings isn't given expected result. 

If you find this post useful, please like, comment and share. 

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