5 Secrets Some Women Will Not Let You know | Bamisepeter's Blog 5 Secrets Some Women Will Not Let You know - Bamisepeter's Blog 5 Secrets Some Women Will Not Let You know | Bamisepeter's Blog

5 Secrets Some Women Will Not Let You know

Just like men keep some secrets from their woman no matter how much the love is, so also women have some secrets they keep.

At times when you know about the truth there is possibility that you just laugh it off. 

Here are some secrets women keep away from their men:

1. Latest account balance 

Funny enough it might be you that open the business that is fetching her the income, but she still feels you don't need to know the amount she is worth. 

Not to harm you though but to be able to collect more from you. Women are never rich enough in as much they have a responsible husband. 
2. Sex mood and satisfaction

This is very sensitive though. Some women love to hide their sexual mood from their man. 

They usually want to prove they don't love sex like the men and they try to hide their mood while praying the man should make sex advances at them. 

Some will also not show to their man that they are not in mood at all despite the romance but will pretend to be in mood and will groan in pleasure during sex to please the man. 

Also, some women hide their sex satisfaction away from their man. 

Reason(s) for this varies; some don't want their man to term them sex lover, some feel if you show him you are not satisfied even after he had tried his best you might feel unsecured, some will be satisfied, in fact, the pleasure will turn to displeasure yet she will still do as if she is enjoying it just to keep the husband, etc. 

3. About your child(ren) 

Stop it, don't think otherwise. 

You think you know about your offspring? You know nothing as the man of the house. The women are closer to the children than the man. 

Children feel secure to keep secret with the woman and the woman will not want to make the child to stop telling her secret, so, it is better she keeps it as it is until you need to know. 

4. She checks your phone behind you

No matter how deep she trust you believe me she checks your phone behind you to see if you have something you are hiding(you know what i mean) and she helps you to keep the last bank alert (debit) on her body memory. 

Don't be deceived by the innocent approach towards your phone in your presence, only your phone can testify to how often she checks.
5. Competing with imaginary rival

She is always afraid you will approach her one day with some members of your family to beg her to forgive you for putting someone outside in the family way. 

They prove to you they are not jealous, deep down they are and even when you pray together when you wake up in the morning and they didn't mention it, they give special time to pray about the unknown rival which its duration last longer than the prayers you said together which even includes all issues affecting the family that suppose to be longer. 

For this, some woman are seriously working to be financially independent not to keep the home moving forward but to secure a better future for herself and her children in case you misbehave. 

You feel there is more secrets? Please add through the comment box.

These secrets are meant for you to keep as secret between us also, it is not sign in anyway that she doesn't love you.

Please add comment and review, I love your contribution. 



Picture credit: Makhmutova Dina

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