If You Think All Men Cheat You Need To Read This | Bamisepeter's Blog If You Think All Men Cheat You Need To Read This - Bamisepeter's Blog If You Think All Men Cheat You Need To Read This | Bamisepeter's Blog

If You Think All Men Cheat You Need To Read This

Hasty generalization has eaten deep into the system of many ladies/women. 

Because a man cheated on you then you conclude that all men cheats.
Have you tried all the men in the world before you reach that hasty conclusion?


You claim all men cheats, yet, you yourself you go from one man to another to satisfy your material needs, have you forgotten that whatsoever you sow you shall reap?

You claim all men cheats, yet it is the most handsome man on earth you are looking for when there are good looking guys/men who are humble and well cultured.

You claim all men cheats, yet, it is people like Dangote or Zuckerberg you want as your lover when your parents are stark illiterate, that your whole family feeds on less than #500 in a day.

Even some ladies from rich background do make the mistake of aiming for a rich guy by all means.

Don't forget that as you are aiming for that kind of man many ladies too are dying to have the man of your dream to themselves too and they can go any length to get what they want from him. 

So, don't blame him if he falls prey. What is good isn't meant for just a person.

Well, nobody is saying it is not good to aim high, it works well for some woman  while it doesn't for some other women, but why not climb the three from the bottom.


Yes, we have some married men who still chase after thin legged girls but that doesn't implies that all men cheat.

Even those married men that are cheating, you need to ask yourself what you are doing wrong that is making him to pursue every other things in skirt before you conclude.

Though it is innate for some men who cheats, but some other women are behind their man's promiscuity.

At times, you and the man may not be compatible right from day 1, but love at times is funny and can make you take wrong decisions which you might not recover from for life.

You claim you don't want your man to go out yet you don't give him his food at the right time or you don't even know how to give him quality food cooked by you.

Well, many tiny legged girls are trained to spoil men with quality foods cooked by them and not mama put or tantalizer.

You claim your husband cheats, yet, when he call on you to fulfil his manly duty you are always tired or not in mood while he is sweating profusely right from the bottom.

You claim your man cheats, yet you don't respect and treat him like a king while he is proud of you not minding your shortcomings.

Some ladies are thought how to cuddle a man and make him feel untop of the world, they even went extra miles to develop the skill.

There are uncountable men who will never cheat on their women, but before you can get them you yourself must be part of the uncountable women that one can boldly call wife material without any doubt whatsoever.

As there are non cheating men there are also completely responsible women who can go any length to satisfy their man with anything in this world.

You will only find men that cheats when you aim higher than what you deserves or what your destiny wants.
There are so many homes that when you go to enquire about the man the wife will confirm to you that her man is completely free from cheat.

What will you say about such cases? Oh! You will still claim that the man is cheating without the woman's knowledge.

Good for you, keep dreaming, what you think is what you get.

Do you know that some men find it irritating sleeping with another woman outside the one they claim to love/their matrimonial wife?

If you have tested cucumber and you don't like it don't conclude that fruits is not good for the body.

If you have not come across a man that doesn't cheat then you need to check yourself too.

The more you live the more you learn.

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Picture credit: Joshua Munoz

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